"Powering your online presence with secure and reliable VDS hosting."

Dedicated IP
Dedicated IP
Full Root Access
Full Root Access
SSD Disk Drives
SSD Disk Drives
100 MB/S Network
1000 MB/S Network
Memory CPU Power Storage Geekbench Score Bandwidth Price
1GB 1GHz1 core 20GB
1000GB $2.49/mo ORDER
2GB 4GHz4 core 20GB
1000GB $4.99/mo ORDER
2GB 4GHz4 core 50GB
1000GB $6.2/mo ORDER
4GB 4GHz4 core 50GB
1000GB $7.1/mo ORDER
6GB 5GHz5 core 100GB
1000GB $12.5/mo ORDER
8GB 7GHz7 core 200GB
1000GB $18/mo ORDER

30-day money-back guarantee

At OnlyVds, we stand behind the quality of our products and services. That's why we offer a money-back guarantee on everything we sell. If you're not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply let us know within 30 days and we'll issue a full refund.


Looking for a reliable and customizable hosting solution? Look no further than our Virtual Private Servers! Our VPS plans include dedicated resources such as CPU, RAM, and storage, customizable server configurations, and the ability to install custom software. Plus, our VPS servers are built on top of the latest virtualization technology to ensure the highest level of performance and security. With 24/7 technical support and a 99.9% uptime guarantee, you can trust us to keep your website up and running smoothly. Upgrade your hosting with our VDS plans today!

Automatic Software

Upgrade your hosting experience with our VPS hosting plans that come with automatic software updates.

Secure Shell Access

With SSH access, you'll have the ability to manage your server remotely and securely, allowing you to perform advanced configurations, troubleshoot issues, and run custom scripts.

Ruby Version Manager (RVM)

With RVM, you'll have the ability to easily manage and switch between multiple versions of Ruby, ensuring your applications are always running on the version that's best for them.

24/7 Support

Our plans also include 24/7 technical support and a 99.9% uptime guarantee.

Unlimited Email Accounts

Take your business to the next level with our hosting plans that include unlimited email accounts. With our plans, you'll have the ability to create professional email addresses using your domain name, such as .

Crontab Access

With crontab access, you'll have the ability to schedule recurring tasks, such as running backups, sending reports, or updating your website. This feature allows you to automate repetitive tasks and ensure that your server runs smoothly.


Dedicated resources: Each client has their own virtual server with dedicated resources such as CPU, RAM, and storage, which means better performance and less risk of resource contention.

Customization: VDS hosting allows for greater customization of server configurations and the ability to install custom software, which is useful for businesses with specific requirements.

Isolation: VDS hosting provides a level of isolation between clients, reducing the risk of one client's actions affecting another client's server.

Security: VDS hosting provides a higher level of security than shared hosting, as each client has their own virtual server and can configure security settings to their liking.

Scalability: VDS hosting allows the client to scale resources as needed such as adding more ram, CPU power or storage.

Cost-effective: VDS hosting is a cost-effective alternative to dedicated hosting, providing similar capabilities at a lower cost.

SSD (Solid State Drive) and HDD (Hard Disk Drive) are both types of storage devices used in computers, but they work differently and have different characteristics.

An SSD uses flash memory to store data, similar to a USB drive or SD card. It has no moving parts, which makes it faster, more durable, and more power-efficient than an HDD. SSDs are also faster in booting up, launching and running programs, and reading and writing data.

An HDD, on the other hand, uses a spinning disk to read and write data, similar to a record player. It has moving parts, which makes it more fragile and less power-efficient than an SSD. HDDs are generally less expensive than SSDs and are commonly used in consumer products, but they are slower than SSDs.

In summary, SSDs are faster, more durable, and more power-efficient than HDDs, but they are also more expensive.

At our hosting firm, we pride ourselves on providing top-notch support to our clients. Our team of experts is available 24/7 to assist with any technical issues that may arise. Whether you need help with server setup, troubleshooting, or optimizing your website's performance, our support team is here to help. We also offer a comprehensive knowledge base and a ticketing system to track and resolve issues. Our goal is to ensure that your website stays up and running smoothly, so you can focus on growing your business. Sign up with us today and experience the peace of mind that comes with our dedicated support team.

Yes, it is possible to upgrade or downgrade between VDS hosting plans.
Your best VDS hosting option is here: $1.99/month*